Industrial LCD screens are more and more widely used in the industrial industry, but various glitches always occur during use, such as black screens. So what should I do when the industrial LCD screen is black?
First: Check the power supply
1. Check whether the power light on the chassis of the host is on, and whether the small fan is running; if the light is not on, and the fan is not rotating, it is necessary to consider whether the host is not powered on.
2. When the industrial LCD screen is powered on, whether the power indicator light is on, and whether a click sound is heard when the power is turned on. If not, please carefully check whether the power supply of the industrial LCD screen is connected.
Second: Check the voltage
In the case of ensuring that the power is turned on, check whether the industrial LCD screen is black due to external voltage. The user can use a multimeter to check whether the voltage is too high or too low; check whether the reset circuit of the industrial LCD screen is connected correctly. If the voltage is too high or too low, it will cause the weak current protection device of the circuit itself, the wrong connection of the reset circuit or the quality of the power switch on the chassis is not good enough to cause a black screen, then replace the power switch.
Third: Check contact
1. If the industrial LCD screen emits one long and two short beeps after power on, there are two possibilities. One is that the connection between the display card and the display screen of the industrial LCD screen is incorrect. You can pull out the display card and replace it with a card slot or check whether there is any foreign object at the contact point. The second is that there is a problem with the connection between the display card and the motherboard. The solution is the same as the display connection between the display card and the industrial LCD screen.
2. Check whether the connecting line between the display card and the black screen of the industrial LCD screen has broken pins, poor contact or disconnection in the middle of the line.
Fourth: Check the graphics card
Check to see if the display card of the industrial LCD screen is burned out, unable to dissipate heat normally, or cracked. If it is caused by the display card that the LCD screen cannot work normally and the screen is black, then it is good to replace it in time.
If none of the above reasons are true, and you cannot check out the cause of the black screen of the industrial LCD screen, please contact the LCD screen manufacturer in time.