1. The display has internal pollution: the general phenomenon of black spots, stains and fibers. Refers to fibers in the LCD.
2. The display has internal scratches: the general phenomenon is the black line and white line, PI on the scratches indicate that the lines on the scratches.
3. LCD color is not uniform: the common phenomenon is inconsistent color and rainbow, that is, LCD color is not uniform, the middle or edge of the stripe has a rainbow and color stripe is not uniform, mainly in terms of color.
4. LCD background color inconsistency: the common phenomenon is that the overall color of the LCD and other LCD overall color difference is very large.
5. Broken display: customers call it a broken lens. That is, the damaged part of the LCD is incomplete, there are corner damage, edge damage, conductive layer damage (that is, out of the PIN damaged side is usually more human factors, may be the company and the customer both sides of the reason).
6. The glass cut and cracked bad: Y-axis cutting and X-axis lobes lead to some protrusions or depressions.
7. The display pins scratched: that is, the LCD segment code display side of the pin PIN (commonly known as the conductive layer) was scratched, cut, resulting in broken circuits, poor conductivity, etc., the general customer maintenance is easy to cause.
8. Scratching, puncture display polarizer: general phenomenon in the industry known as the mirror flower, mirror fuzzy. That is, the polarizer is damaged or damaged by hard hand such as razor blades (customers place and use improperly will cause).
9. Polarizer water lines: polarizer with water lines, only the backlight can be seen, because after pasting on the conductive layer coated with alcohol or acetone will have alcohol or acetone infiltration, the customer may also have infiltration when wiping the PIN.
10. No protective film: that is, the protective film on the surface of the polarizer is torn off. (Generally IC is bad, repair the LCD removed).
11. Polarizer bubbles: paste the surface of the LCD polarizer there are small bubbles, affecting the performance of the LCD.
12. Paste the opposite: customers call paste the wrong, that is, the polarizer paste the opposite, should be pasted on the lower layer of the film is pasted on the upper layer of the film.
13. Raised, fiber: paste dust, fibers and other pollutants fall on the surface of the LCD or polarized at its own dirty caused.
14. Polarizer corrosion: that is, the polarizer and certain liquids have a chemical reaction, was corroded discoloration or deformation.
15. Mixing: different types and properties of products mixed, version of the mixing of different models of mixing, other manufacturers of liquid crystals, different periods of liquid crystal mixed.